Monday, November 01, 2010

World of justice

As an awkward looking, awkward sounding teenage boy living in the world of video entertainment, living in the unforgiving halls of high school can be an absolute nightmare. The teasing is relentless. Prank obsessed jocks toss you around like a human ragdoll. Aside from some consoling and support, your friends are of little help as they too are at the mercy of similar fates. And girls? Forget it.

Redemption however comes in many forms and here is a wonderful example. At a recent BlizzCon audience q & a with two of the World of Warcraft brain trust, a teenager so nervous he looked like he was going to freeze pointed out an obscure anomaly in the game. Because he was able to fully muster his question, and partly due to the honorable response of the two spokesmen, it was an inspiring moment. Even better was that it was all on film, and 'Red Shirt Guy' quickly turned into a well received viral video.

If that wasn't enough, the gamemakers turned Red Shirt Guy into a World of Warcraft character! Wildhammer Fact Checker. To be a character in a video game, or a movie, or a play, is a dream come true and this guy is living it.

(photo source)


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